New Zealand Skilled Migrant Resident Visa

New Zealand invites people who have the skills to contribute to New Zealand’s economic growth to apply for this visa. Before you get the invitations to apply, first we need to send an Expression of Interest (EOI) telling them about your employment in New Zealand, work experience, and qualifications. If your Expression of Interest is successful they’ll offer you the opportunity to apply to live and work in New Zealand indefinitely.

Live, work and study in New Zealand.? Include your partner, and dependent children aged 24 and under, in your residence application.

Stage 1: (Submit an Expression of Interest-EOI)Before you send us an expression of interest (EOI), you can use our point’s indicator to get an idea of how many points you can claim for your EOI. You’ll need at least 100 points to be accepted into the pool. Currently, we are only selecting EOIs with 160 points or above.

Stage 2: (EOI Confirmation)Periodically (usually every 2 weeks) we’ll select EOIs from our pool. If your EOI is selected, we’ll check you’ve claimed the right number of points for your age, experience, employment and qualifications. If you meet the Skilled Migrant Expression of Interest selection threshold, we may invite you to apply for residence.

Stage 3: (Application for Residence)If you’re invited to apply for residence, we’ll send you an ‘Application for Residence under the Skilled Migrant Category’ form.

Stage 4: (decision about your application)Your application for Residence will take up to 6 months.

Expression of Interest-EOI (530 NZD)
Apply for residence: (3, 310 NZD)

New Zealand Skilled Migrant Resident Visa

New Zealand invites people who have the skills to contribute to New Zealand’s e

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