
Denmark Green Card

The Danish Immigration Service is a directorate within the Danish Ministry of Refugees, Immigration and Integration Affairs. The service administrates the Danish Aliens, in other words, it handles applications for asylum, family reunification, visas, work permits, etc. In addition, the service is engaged in a wide range of other duties relating to the asylum and immigration area, including the task of accommodating asylum seekers.

The Danish Green Card scheme is points based work permit scheme which allows you to live and work in Denmark if you can score enough points based upon criteria such as age, Education, Work Experience and language skills & others. If you score at least 100 points, you can obtain a residence permit Danish Green Card. In addition, you will be able to bring your immediate family along.

As well as scoring 100 points, you must have a valid health insurance policy and be able to provide proof that you can support yourself and your family while you look for work in Denmark.

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you file your application and receive your visa in 6 to 8 months! It allows you to enter Denmark and live there on a PR visa.

Denmark Green Card

The Danish Immigration Service is a directorate within the Danish Ministry of Refugee

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Applicant need to show that he/she can support himself/herself and his/her dependents for the first year in Denmark. The funds must be shown by applicant’s name and there is no requirement that it needs to be held for any period of time.

To obtain a residence permit under the Green card scheme, applicant must document that he/she can support yourself during your first year in Denmark.

Applicant must document that he/she can support them during their first year in Denmark. The amount
varies depending on the type of family member. In addition, the amount depends on whether his/her family members apply together with the applicant or after applicant have established himself/herself in Denmark.



The below listed are the costs associated with applying for the Danish Green Card:

1 Application Fee: Applications should normally be made in your home country or in the country where you
are currently residing over 3 months. The fees for application processing under Danish Green Card
scheme is DKK 6,850 for primary applicant. Applicants need to pay additional consulate & VFS
handling charges is 25,500 INR.

The fees for each accompanying family member are DKK 1,600. Each dependent need to pay additional
consulate & VFS handling charges (as applicable).

Application fee for Danish Green Card                                              DKK

Applicant                                                                                            6375
Dependent                                                                                        1600


The Danish Green Card In order to be eligible for Denmark Green Card, one has to score 100 points on the
following Points Based System grid

1) Age:
Age points are given as follows:
35-40 years: 10 points.
34 years or younger: 15 points.
You can be given a maximum of 15 points for your age.

2) Education Level

  1.  Minimum Bachelor’s degree is required to qualify
  • Bachelor's degree/Graduated from medium-length education: 30 points.
  • Bachelor's degree followed by one-year Master's degree: 50 points.
  • Master's degree: 60 points.
  • PhD: 80 points.
  1. You will be given bonus points if your education qualifies you to work in a field where Denmark is
  2. currently experiencing a shortage of qualified professionals under Positive List
  3. You will be given bonus points if PhD/Masters/Bachelors Education is done from Top 400 Universities as
  4. per QS World Ranking

3) Language
IELTS is mandatory in order to score points.

  1. To claim 40 points you need to get overall 6.5 bands in IELTS General Training module or TOEFL with
  2. minimum 72 points
  3. To claim 20 points you need to get overall 5 to 6 bands in IELTS General Training module

4) Work experience:
Applicant work experience can be given points according to how many years, within the last five years,
you have worked as a researcher or in a field where Denmark is currently experiencing a shortage of
qualified professionals. Applicant can see these fields and specific job titles on the Positive List. Applicant
can also be expecting points for other work experience. Points are given as follows:
1-2 years within the past five years as a researcher/in field listed on the Positive List: 10 points.
3-5 years within the past five years as a researcher/in field listed on the Positive List: 15 points.
3-5 years within the past five years, other work: 5 points. Applicant can be given a maximum of 15 points
for your work experience.

5) Adaptability
You can be given points for your educational or work related attachment to the EU/EEA


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